Friday January 26th

3 Rounds
12/9 Calorie Row
5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Muscle Clean and Press
10 Banded Face Pulls
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Arch Rocks
3 Rounds
Bar Shapes : Neutral Hang + Hollow Hang + Neutral Hang + Arch Hang
Hold each position for 3-5 seconds
Rest as needed between each set through

As the open approaches in a few weeks why not give this open workout a try today!

Start with short 2 Primer rounds of the movements, then we will start the workout. You should be doing this for every open workout.

2 Rounds
4 Toe to Bar
3/3 Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk
8/6 Calorie Row


“CrossFit Open 18.1”
8 Toes to Bar
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35 lb, (22.5/16 kg)
14/12 Calorie Row

  • Switch hands every 5 reps.