1:30 / Side Twisted Cross
2:00 4- Way Wrist Stretch
Straight Through 20 Burpees
1:00 HS Hold
45 Double Unders
For Load, building: warm up first!
Today will be weightlifting reps not metcon or crossfit reps which means NO BOUNCING the bar off your legs or using a stretch reflex to help you move more weight. Whats a stretch reflex… its when you bring the barbell down fast and switch directions fast at the bottom of whatever position you are in. Bouncing bars and using your stretch reflex can be effective in wods but today during strength we arent doing it.
What does this mean???? PAUSE at the power, the mid, and low hang respectively on every rep
3×2 Power Position Power Snatch
3×2 Mid-Hang Power Snatch (mid thigh)
2×2 Low Hang Power Snatch (at or below knee)
AMRAP 5 Minutes
12 Wall Walks
30 DB Power Cleans 50/35lbs
Max Wall Walks in remaining time
Feel: Muscle Overload Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: Complete the majority of the DB Power Cleans (20+) Firebreather Score: Accumulate 12+ Wall Walks in the second set
– Wall Walks: Use the Open Standard. Should not exceed 2:30 to complete their reps. If an
athlete cannot hold their body inverted, hold a plate overhead for 2:00 before starting the DB Power Cleans
– DB Power Cleans: We are looking for the DB weight to force the athlete to stop a handful of
times. Coaches need to be careful to not over scale the weight or the stimulus will change to “cardio”, which is not the goal
Coach Focus: Both movements in today’s AMRAP alone are easy to identify as “muscular overload” movements, so when they combine forces, look out. Coaches should push athletes to perform all of the reps as prescribed with the fitness-appropriate scaling that does not change the stimulus from muscular overload to cardio. Today is a great day to push athletes to use RX or close-to-RX weights to maintain the stimulus. Finally, by design this workout is not meant to be accessible to all when it comes to accumulating “max reps” at the end. We’d rather see an athlete attempt a challenging stimulus that prevents them from finishing than easily finishing the DB power clean and getting a lot of wall walks at the end.
4 Rounds 300/250m Ski
14 Pistols
Rest 3:00
Feel: Gas Pacing: Reach
Target Score: Each Round Sub-2:30 Firebreather Score: Each Round Sub-1:40 Scaling:
– Ski: 1:1 Scale with Rowing.Should not exceed 1:15 to complete the
prescribed distance and should be a very aggressive pace.
– Pistols: Should not exceed 1:15 to complete. Coaches should work to preserve the full depth
single leg squat, so bands for some athletes and boxes for others.