Friday September 30th
OPEN GYM FROM 8am to 10am. The workouts are the Friday Night Throwdown workouts!
Still Planning on Friday Night Throwdown is tonight from 5pm to 9pm
Volunteers and staff only after 11am. No open gym after 11. Competitors and most volunteers will start showing up around 3pm.
Friday 9/30 Warm Ups AMRAP 5 Min
5 Push Ups
10 Jumping Air Squats 5 Burpees
10 Jumping Air Squats
:10 Bench Review
Knuckles UP for your bench press!
Upper back and Glutes maintain contact throughout the skill.

:15 Strength:
Find a 1RM Bench Press
:40 WOD:
For Time 40-30-20
Bar Facing Burpees
Wallballs 20/14lbs
Rx Bar Facing Burpee: “jump” is required over bar. Meaning both feet off the ground at the same time.
Scaled Bar Facing Burpee: Stepover allowed.
Time Cap: 12 Min
Target Score: Faster than/more reps than test week. If this is an athlete’s first
time, goal is to finish both 30/30. You should feel GASsED.
:55 Cool Down
Childs Pose w/ hands on bench
Knees to Chest