It’s Coach Amanda’s 3oth Birthday today so why not try the workout named after her? Happy Birthday Amanda
Warm Up:
2 Min Run(400m)-Bike-Row
2 rounds
5 PVC Good Mornings
8 PVC Pass Throughs
5 Strict Pull Ups (or Ring Rows)
8 Air Squats
5 Kipping Pull Ups
8 PVC Overhead Squats
5 Ring Dips or Bench Dips
“Amanda” 3.0
400m Run Buy In
Ring Muscle Ups INT-Bar Muscle Ups BEG-Any Pull Up+Dip Progression
Squat Snatches 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG- 95/55
**30 Double Unders or 50 Singles between each round**
30 Burpee Cash Out
PULL UP SUB NUMBER IS 21-15-9, snatch number stays the same. if you are doing dumbbell snatches 18-14-10 alternating arms.
-COACHES NOTES: Taking into consideration your “Amanda” time should be around 6/8 minutes for RX or 10/12 minutes for those adding progression or less itself the added “Bonus” movements will add in time depending on how you will scale them accordingly. The Buy-In should be a fast 400m so you can get in and right to work. Don’t take too much time trying to string doubles together if you are between doubles and singles.–
**Optional Accessory Work**
Dumbbell Box Step-up 1×50 50/35
It’s Hump Day, don’t skip your accessories!!
![Image result for hump day camel](