3 Rounds
8 Band Pull Aparts
8 Light DB Push Presses
8 PVC OH Squats 100m Run
Build to weight for tempo snatch then we will start the clock
Every 2:30 for 15:00 (6 sets)
3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches
Drop and Reset between reps
Start around 60% and add weight if it looks and feels good. Compare to Oct 1st.
AMRAP 9 Minutes
100m Run
9 Toes to Bar
100m Run
9 Shoulder to OH 95/65lbs
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 6+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: EMOM or faster
- Run: 30 double unders, only if injury/weather is an issue. ski 8/6 cals as last option
- T2B: 1 set for most of the workout, MAYBE becoming 2 sets if fatigue sets in. Reduce reps to as few as 5, otherwise have athletes perform knee raises. Athletes should be able to do their chosen set unbroken for multiple sets.
- STOH: 1 set for the entire workout, or reduce loading.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
500/450m Row
rest 1:00
400/350m Row
Rest 1:00
300/250m Row
Rest 1:00
The goal of this is to row a faster pace the shorter the interval is