Wednesday March 2nd

First day in new building. Park in front, use side door south side of building. Don’t park by the house, park on the grass in front of the warehouse.
Wod might be slightly modified.

NO THROWING DUMBBELLS IN THE NEW GYM. if you have to throw it, its too heavy for you to control.

3 Rounds
10 Box Step Ups with Light DB
10 Alternating DB Hang DB Snatch
10 PVC OH Squats

4 Sets
3 Shallow Kips (tight & fast)
3 Big Kips (Elevation is the goal)
1-3 bar Muscle Ups Rest as needed between

On a 9 Minute Clock:
60 S. DB Dumbbell Box Step Ups 50/35lbs, 24/20”
AMRAP in remaining time:
6 Overhead Squats 115/75lbs
3 Bar Muscle Ups