Wednesday July 14th

Barbell Power Clean warm up

Power Clean 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2 AHAP

Speed under the bar without shooting your feet too wide in the catch.
Drop and reset between reps
Start around 60% for the first 5 reps and build from there. Rest between reps should be a few seconds. Enough time to properly reset. Rest between SETS should be in the 2 to 4 minutes range. strength will take most of the hour

Wod- Light and fast
AMRAP 7 Minutes
3 Hang Power Cleans 95/65lbs
3 Toes to Bar
6, 6, 9,9, 12, 12..etc

Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: Finish the round of 15/15 (90 reps)
Firebreather Score: Finish the round of 21/21 (168 reps)
Hang Power Clean: Reduce load to stay UB through round of 12
Toes to Bar: Hanging knee raises are the preferred scale in order to maintain the grippy stimulus. If hanging knee raises or toes to bar aren’t an option, laying flat on the floor and raising toes up to rig as high as possible (leg raises) will work.

Note. Breaking up toes to bar early in small fast sets is your friend today. this workout is very grippy