Wednesday January 8th

3 Sets, For Quality
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
10 Scapular Push-Ups
8/8 Single Kettlebell Staggered Stance Romanian Deadlift
:15 second Dead-Hang + :15 second Active Hang
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows

Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
10-10-8-8 Deadlifts
4-6 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups

% of Deadlifts, starting @ 60%, goal of increasing to 70%
Pull-Ups: Choice on Load, Heavy

For Total Reps
12:00 AMRAP
American Kettlebell Swings
Box Jump Overs

Kettlebell: 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Box Height: 24/20”

Level 2:
For Total Reps
12:00 AMRAP
American Kettlebell Swings
Box Jump Overs
Kettlebell: 44/26lb, 20/12kg
Box Height: 24/20”

Level 1:
For Total Reps
12:00 AMRAP
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Elevated Push-Ups
Box Step-Overs
Ring Rows

Kettlebell: 35/18lb, 16/8kg
Box Height: 24/20”

Goal: Complete the Round of 14 reps and into the round of 16 reps.. This would equate to 1 rep every 3 seconds. With these movements that would be very possible given the cyclical nature of these movements.
Primary Objective: Complete as many repetitions as possible in 12 minutes. Push for consistency in movement transitions and aim to sustain a strong, steady pace throughout.
Secondary Objective: Maintain unbroken sets in early rounds and strategically break movements in later rounds to avoid hitting failure, especially on grip-intensive exercises like pull-ups and kettlebell swings

RPE: 7-8/10: High effort as the rep count climbs, focusing on consistent pacing and movement quality.