Wednesday August 7th

Crossfit Games Day
3 wods. see how you stack up against the fittest on earth
Warm up will be going through movements in each wod.
In bigger classes half the class will start on one wod, half the class on the other

Ringer 1
30-20-10 reps for time of:

Air bike (calories)

Time cap: 7♀ /  6♂ minutes 

Ringer 2
15-10-5 reps for time of:

Burpees with ring touch
Overhead squats 

♀ 95 lb.
♂ 135 lb.

Time cap: 5 minutes 

Ringer 1 and Ringer 2 are separately scored events. Ringer 2 will begin 1 minute after the time cap for Ringer 1.


800-m row
66 kettlebell shoulder-to-overheads
132-ft. handstand walk

♀ two 12-kg KBs
♂ two 16-kg KBs

Time cap: 10 minutes



• Kettlebells must be brought below the chin each rep.

• Athletes advance after every set of 22 reps.

• Handstand walk must be completed in 44-ft. sections.

• Athletes must restart from the last section completed if they come down at any time.