Wednesday August 2nd

Wednesdays Schedule is different than the other days
Structured CrossFit Classes at 5am,6am,10am and 4pm,5pm. Barbell club for beginners from 6pm to 6:30Pm. Mobility class from 6:00 to 6:30. More advanced barbell work from 6:30 to 8. You are more than welcome to come in between 6pm and 8pm (doors close at 8) and do the CrossFit Workout of the day, there just wont be set start times or specific coaches for that class.

Warm Up-
5 minutes of bike row or run then grab a bar
4 rounds of
7 empty bar front squats
7 empty bar hang cleans
7 empty bar push jerks

10 Minute Emom
2 Heavy Squat clean and jerks. Build up as you go
*beginners do 4 Power clean and jerks at lighter weight

5 Rounds
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
20 doubles
2/1 rope climbs
Run 200M


Dont forget spirit week