Tuesday September 3rd


400m Group Run

2 Sets, For Quality
30 second Tempo Air Squat (30×1) *3 seconds down, shoot up, no pause at the bottom)
15 second Ring Support Hold
5-10 Russian Push-Ups
5-7 Strict Pull-Ups pr 6-8 Jumping Pull-Ups
10-15 second Chin Over Bar Hold

Strength/skill ring muscle progressions

“Circle of Life”
For Reps:
20:00 AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
4 Ring Muscle Ups
200m Run
Wallball: 20/14lbs (9/6kg) to 10ft/9ft

Level 2
For Reps:
20:00 AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
8 Feet Elevated Ring Rows (or bar muscle ups, but then skip the ring dips)
8 Ring Dips
200m Run

Level 1
For Reps:
20:00 AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
8 Ring Rows (45 degree angle)
8 Push-Ups
200m Run
Wallball: 14/10lb, 6/4kg

Goal: 7-9 Rounds

Score: Rounds & Reps

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete most total rounds

Secondary Objective: Ring Muscle Ups Unbroken

This workout today is flowy and consistent in style. A classic 20:00 AMRAP with the focus on consistency on the rings, unbroken Wall Balls into a smooth and steady run. We will be fighting against interference for the shoulders between the Wall Balls and Ring Muscle-Ups and then some leg interference between Wall Balls and running.