Tuesday May 18th

4 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups 15 squats
*this number will progressively go up over the next 2 weeks so you can get some Murph practice in
3 Rounds
20 Double Unders (scale to 1:1 singles)
8 Ground to Overhead with Plate 1 Wall Climb

Building competency in gymnastics requires hundreds, if not thousands, of quality reps, which is what we’re looking for today. Each set athletes should be able to complete 10+ quality reps each set. If you are looking to increase the difficulty for your top athletes, consider elevating the feet on a box or bench.

Every 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1 Max Rep Set of Ring Rows

AMRAP 15 Minutes
60 Double Unders
25′ HS Walk
12 Clean and Jerks 115/75lbs

Double Unders: :45 of Double Under practice or 60 Single Unders
HS Walk: may reduce distance to 5-20’, but should not exceed  around :30 or work. Substitute 3 Wall climbs or 50’ Bear Crawl.
Clean and Jerk: loading should allow your fittest to perform some touch and go reps each round followed by very fast singles, and should be quick singles for others. Otherwise, reduce loading before reps, each set should not exceed :90

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