2 Sets: for Quality
:15 Hollow Hold
20 Alternating V-Ups
:30 second Wall Support Handstand Hold
:15/:15 Single Arm Active Hang
8 Bar Kip Swings / Kipping Knee Raises / Alternating Toe to Bar
10 Push ups
This is a lot to finish in an hour so start warming up to 70 perecnt of your bench right after the workout
Every 4:00 minutes x 3 Sets
5 Reps @ 70%
3 Reps @ 75%
1 Rep @ 80-85%
quick Handstand work review before wod and picking your progression or reps for toes to bar and handstand walk. a good general rule is 1 wall walk per 10 feet of handstand walk. the handstand walk is approximately 30 feet today
3 Rounds for Time
30 Toe to Bar
10m Handstand Walk
Score = Time
Level 2:
3 Rounds for Time
20 Toe to Bar
5m Handstand Walk
Level 1:
3 Rounds for Time
25 Kipping Knee Raises
3 Wall Walks
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal Time Domain: 7-11 minutes
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Primary Objective: Maintaining Consistent Sets on Toe to Bar. Goal is to finish each round of Toe to Bar in under 2:30
Secondary Objective: Unbroken 10ft (3m) Segments on the Handstand Walk or Complete Wall Walk Modification in under 1:00
Stimulus: Gymnastics Density / High Skill WOD
RPE: 8/10
- This is meant to be a technically challenging WOD that will challenge our skill capacity and endurance.
Workout Strategy Notes:
Toe to Bar: We are looking to hit quality sets on Toe to Bar with the goal of maintaining each round of 30 to be done in as close to 2 minutes as possible. Our main modifications today would be to reduce total volume or adjust to alternating toe to bar or kipping knee raises.
Handstand Walk: The goal is to do the 10m in two 5m segments in order to keep this steady and cycle. For many that are proficient on their hands we should be looking to move up to 100ft (30m) Handstand Walk, and for others that are working on their handstand walk, this is a perfect time to practice and get this short set done.
This will most definitely be a Toe to Bar workout for most, so stay efficient and break up early!