Tuesday June 1st

750m Row:
(250m moderate,  250m HARD, 250m easy)
10 Strict Press
5 Good Mornings
10 Push Press
5 Good Mornings
10 Split Jerks w/ Puase in dip and catch
5 Good Mornings

Find a 1RM Split Jerk

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Target score 3 Plus rounds
Firebreather 6 rounds

Tips- Eliminating all unnecessary movement in all wods is something everyone can work on
-Stop walking far away from your bar. It’s too easy to stay away from it once your 10 feet away
-a little chalk is good, too much chalk is usually just a way to get away from your bar for a few seconds.
-Control your bar down to a degree. If your bar bounces 5 feet away its really a pain in the ass to walk to and reset for your next lift
-box jump over- stay low, stay efficient. Should not take more than two steps to turn around and start your next jump

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