All Strength Day!
Warm up-
5 Minutes Bike
40 Pass Throughs
Quickly review the Strict press.
Review the Hang Clean
0-2 minutes 8 front squats
2-4 Minutes 6 Power position squat clean
4-6 minutes 6 Hang position squat clean
Strength- Strict Press- Add 5 pounds onto the number you have been using the last 4 weeks, use 90 percent of that with the percentages below.
5x 40%, 5X50%, 3×60%, 5×75%, 5×80%, Amrap at 85%
Strength 2- Hang squat clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps—- this should take the rest of the hour.
If want to get some cardio in please do an all out effort Bike Tabata
Scroll for scaling options.
• CrossFit WOD 180604 Tips With Rory McKernan
• The Hang Clean
The hang squat clean is a good opportunity to practice full hip and leg extension, and speed under the bar. Ideally, each set will be as heavy as possible for 3 reps, but newer athletes should start light and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.