Back at it today with a Hero Workout.
Lot’s of ways to scale, don’t miss the gym today! We want to see everyone here after this 2 day break
2:00 PVC Pass Throughs
3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Ring Rows
8 KB Swings
6 Push Ups
:30 HS Hold
Then, warm up Muscle Ups and HSPU and pick your progression that is going to work best for you on this
AMRAP 20 Minutes
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Up
8 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs
The Nate WOD Challenge, first held in 2015, was created by Adam La Reau, founder of One Summit, to honor brothers Nate and Josh Hardy. Nate was a Navy SEAL, Purple Heart recipient, and hero who lost his life in action; Josh lost his battle to childhood cancer.
The Hardy brothers are also sons of One Summit founding board member, Stephen Hardy.

The workout: The Nate WOD is a 20-minute AMRAP of two muscle-ups, four handstand push-ups, and eight kettlebell swings (two-pood).
- Because Nate hated to run, “he was the guy that carried everything,”writes Maria Papandreou of One Summit in an email, the WOD is “incredibly difficult and involves heavy lifting.”
- The numbers – two, four, and eight – signify February 4, 2008, the day that Nate “made the ultimate sacrifice.”
Feel: Muscle Overload/Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 10+ Rounds Firebreather Score: 15+ Rounds
- Muscle Ups: Muscle Ups should always remain 1 set, but today is an
acceptable day for athletes to take 2 sets. Modify to bar muscle ups or burpee pull ups, with the
most difficult pull up option available being used. - HSPU: Ideally unbroken, but today is a good day to let athletes who can
safely do HSPU reach a little bit. Modify to push ups or DB push press. - KB Swings: Should remain 1 set. Reduce weight before scaling reps. If OH
isn’t available, modify to Russian KB Swings
Coach Focus: Today’s Hero WOD is high skill and long, so coaches need to be prepared with
appropriate versions of this workout for each athlete to ensure they hit the target stimulus. When
it comes to a Hero WOD, we like to allow athletes to struggle (to an extent) without creating major
sticking points that reduce the effectiveness of the workout. Coaches should be modifying each
movement and rep scheme to ensure all athletes hit the target of 10 rounds, but that they are
careful to not “over scale” the workout
and turn it into a cardio only workout.