Warm up
2 Sets, For Quality:
1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)
20 Bodyweight Reverse Lunges
20 Plank Alternating Shoulder Taps
10 Prone Weighted Y-W-T
Strength: Strict Press
Every 2:00 minutes, 6 Sets
3 Sets x 5 Reps @ 70%
1 Set x 3 Reps @ 75%
1 Set x 3 Reps @ 77%
1 Set x 3 Reps @ 80%
*Aim to finish each set feeling capable of doing a few more reps if necessary.
This is not a session for testing your one-rep max. Instead, the goal is to build
strength and stability in the shoulders without overtaxing the body.
-Snatch warm up before the workout
12:00 minute AMRAP:
20 Wall Balls @ 20/14lb
10 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
5 Squat Snatches @ 135/95lb
When scaling keep this in mind
Goal: Complete 5+ Rounds
Primary Objective: Maintain unbroken sets on the Wall Balls and Chest to Bar
Secondary Objective: Maintain a cadence on the Snatches that allows you to
complete them in under 30 seconds