Closed tomorrow at 5am and 6am. First class at 9am.
General Warm-Up
3 Sets, For Quality
1:00 Echo Bike
1 Wall Walk + 10 second Nose to Wall Hold
5 No Jump Burpees
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
5 Dumbbell Power Cleans @ Warm-Up Load
Barbell Primer:
2 Sets
3 Hang Muscle Clean
3 Tall Power Clean
3 Hang Power Clean
Add Loads –
3 Sets, Building Loads to Starting Weights
2 Touch N’ Go Power Cleans
Every 2:30 x 4 Sets
Perform 6 total reps per set as 2.2.2 “Touch N’ Go” Power Cleans.
– Rest 10-15 seconds between each double –
Work at 70-80% of 1RM Power Clean. If feeling strong, stay at the higher end of the percentage range.
Record each working weight.
Primary Objective: Develop consistent, explosive technique at moderate-to-heavy loads.
Secondary Objective: Build confidence handling touch-and-go reps under slight fatigue. (Battery Work)
For Calories:
2 Sets
6:00 AMRAP
3 Rounds
2 Wall Walk
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
6 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean
-Max Calorie Echo Bike in Remaining Time
-2:00 rest-
Dumbbells: 2×50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)
Level 2:
For Reps:
2 Sets
6:00 AMRAP
3 Rounds
1 Wall Walk
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
5 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean
-Max Calorie Echo Bike in Remaining Time
-2:00 rest-
Dumbbells: 2×35/25lb, 15/12kg
Level 1:
For Reps:
2 Sets
6:00 AMRAP
3 Rounds
1 Wall Walk to 20’’ off Wall
3 Burpee Box Step Overs 24/20”
5 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
-Max Calorie Echo Bike in Remaining Time
-2:00 rest
Dumbbells: 2×25/15lb, 12/7kg
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: 20/14+ Cals / Minute
Primary Objective: Push a steady pace through the gymnastic and Dumbbell Power Cleans to maximize time on the Echo Bike. *45 seconds minimum on the bike, goal 60-75 seconds
Secondary Objective: Improve efficiency in transitions to accumulate more calories, focusing on smooth, controlled, and unbroken sets.
Stimulus: Moderate-to-high intensity, blending gymnastics and light-to-moderate external load, followed by a lung-burning sprint on the Echo Bike.
RPE: ~8/10 – High effort, especially toward the end of each 6:00 interval as you push for max calories.
Coaching Points:
Wall Walks: Focus on straight arms and moving fluidly to and from the Wall. Work to get these done in under 20 seconds
Burpee Box Jumps: These should be smooth and fast with the goal of completing them in about 20-25 seconds
Dumbbell Power Cleans: Focus on a good starting position focusing on a neutral spine and keeping the Dumbbells close as you move through midline.
Echo Bike: Hit the Bike with intensity as a strong push to the finish here.