Honor a fallen Hero by picking your own Hero Wod.
Do some research, the are all listed in the link.
Message your friends and have them meet you at the gym to do this together.
All we ask is that you warm up properly for the wod you are about to do, and please set your own timers on your phone.
Enjoy this one. If you are completely lost we will throw some ideas out there for you.
For those who have been missing the “Holleyman” workout, now is your chance.
Review the list of 193 heroes and honor one with an all-out effort. Click the hero wod drop down when you go here.
Post choice of Hero and result to comments.
The default wod if you do not pick one is
Hotshots 19, in honor of the 19 firefighters that lost their lives in Prescott, AZ
6 rounds for time
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans 135/95
7 Strict pull ups
Run 400
• CrossFit WOD 180528 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Read: Fallen But Never Forgotten
Most Hero WODs are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous and mentally challenging. Many contain a very high volume of reps. Reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet still challenging.