Tuesday August 8th

SPIRIT WEEK- TODAY IS TEAM TUESDAY! It’s not too late to get a partner, Dress Up! Twinning is winning.

Open House is Wednesday. Tell your friends!!!!

A reminder to all coaches and athletes. School is starting so classes will be busier.  Start your wods on time, there is no need to change movements in the wod unless you are adjusting for injury. if you’re starting late you have to wait for the next class. Scheduled Classes have priority over floor space, the rig, and equipment. Weightlifters have priority on the platforms. If you are doing extra work, which we are all for, stay out of the way of class. The above guidelines will make everybody’s  experience in class better. I am working on getting an outdoor rig so extra work can be done outs


Warm up-
800 Meter Team sand bag run

15 Minutes to find your teams 1 Rep max thruster. warm up is included in your 15 minutes! Score is two weight added together


15 Minute Amrap (teams of two)
One partner working at a time on everything (except the run)
20 KB swings
16 pull ups
200 M (Run together)

4 minute team bike for cals