Warm up 2 Rounds
200M run
15 KB taters… who doesn’t like taters right? video below
Then (Coach led)
10 overhead squats
10 Power position power snatch
10 Hang power snatch
10 from the shin with the a squat
Strength is a little different today. Barbell cycling is important to get the most out of your workouts but its something we almost never “practice”
Strength today is
Every 4 minutes for 12 Minutes (3 rounds)
Round 1- Max unbroken Touch and go squat snatches at 50 percent of max
Round 2- Max unbroken Touch and go squat snatches at 55 percent
Round 3- Max unbroken touch and go squat snatches at 60 percent
*don’t put that bar down! When you put it down your set is over. example timing would be if you hit 1 minute of unbroken touch and go’s you get 3 minutes rest.. which will go by quick.
*scale to power snatch
For Time
20 Double DB Snatches
30 DB Box Step Overs
40 DB Front Squats
DB: 50s/35s
Box: 24/20
Target time will be 6 to 10 minutes. we will have a few under and a few over, that’s fine. to scale reduce the weight or box height to finish in the time range. Do a couple warm up rounds of 5,5,5 and time yourself. base your weights off that.
Hang out the gym after class? That’s great. Grab your buddies and hit this 20 minutes extra work piece. Nothing better than a foot race.
Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes 300m Run (start at the true 200m mark and run to the end of the fence)