Thursday May 31st

Warm Up
Bike or row until 5 after then meet at the front
Snatch Progressions- Put a little weight on as you go
0-2 Minutes 8 Power Postion power snatches
2-4 Mintues 6 Hang from the knee power snatch plus Over head squat
4-6 Minutes 4 Full Snatches
*This is the time to practice squat snatches, not with a fully loaded bar.

Strength 1- 25 Minutes to establish a 1 rep max snatch, with good form! no press outs!
build up slow… might look something like this
5 at 40 percent, 3 at 50 percent, 3 at 70 percent, A few doubles at 80ish percent then start doing single reps and add weight after every made lift.
***newer athletes work on form! sets of 4 or 5, if you are pressing the bar out.. thats technically not snatch. time to clean up that form.

Strength 2
Bench Press
5×40%,5×50%,3×60%,3×80,3×85, As Many Reps as possible at 90%

*****if you must get your cardio in do 6 intervals of 250 meter rower sprints with a minute rest between.

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