Thursday July 18th


For Quality
2 Rounds
30 second Elevated Prayer Stretch
30 second Extended Reverse Plank Bridge

3 Rounds
30 seconds Jump Rope
10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift
6 Inchworm Push-Ups
20-30 second Wall Supported Handstand Hold

Push Press
Every 2:00 x 4 Sets
4 Reps @ 75%+

The focus here will be to work from 75% to around 85% for 4 reps today. This should not be a 4RM, but rather a challenging technical 4 reps today.

“This is Madness”
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
4 Wall Walk
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
48 Double Unders
Dumbbell: 70/50lb, 32/22.5kg

Goal: Complete each set in under 2:30

Stimulus: Muscular Stamina / Shoulder Interference / Density

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Complete each working set AFAP

Secondary Objective: Maintain even splits across all sets

Strategy:The biggest time suck here on the workout should be the Wall Walks. The goal is to maintain unbroken sets of 4 Wall Walks in a time of 1:00 or less. This will take us to the Dumbbell Snatch, which is at a slightly heavier load than normal. Being able to hit 2 sets of 6 or an unbroken set of 12 is the objective today. If you cannot do that, we should scale the load or this will become too challenging to complete within the given time domain here today. With 1:00 to complete the Wall Walks, that means we are looking to complete the Alternating Dumbbell Snatch and Double Unders in as close to 1:00-1:30 as possible in order to stay under 2:30 / set.

PRVN Recovery #4
:30sec/:30sec KB Calf Smash
1:00/1:00 Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
1:00/1:00 Tall Dragon Stretch
1:00 Standing Forward Fold
1:00 Updog Pose