Thursday February 20th

General /Specific Movement Prep (3-5 minutes)
2 Sets: For Quality
:30 second Row
4 Inchworm to Hollow Hold (1-2sec)
:30 Second Shuttle Runs
8 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
6 Tall Muscle Cleans
4 Hang Power Cleans

Barbell Primer: Add Loads to Bar in order to have it off the floor (6-8 minutes)
3 Pause Power Clean
3 Slow Pull Power Clean
3 Power Clean

Then Build Towards Working Loads
*Focus for the primer is maintaining a quality set-up position, staying over the bar and driving into the final extension of the lift keeping the bar close and moving into a quality catch position in the front rack.

40:00 EMOM
minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
minute 2: 3 Wall Walks
minute 3: 6 Shuttle Run
minute 4: 3 Power Cleans
Barbell: 225/155lb, 102/70kg
Shuttle Run = 25ft / 7.5m Out and Back

Level 2:
40:00 EMOM
minute 1: 13/10 Calorie Row
minute 2: 3 Wall Walks
minute 3: 5 Shuttle Run
minute 4: 3 Power Cleans
Barbell: 185/125lb, 84/57kg

Level 1:
40:00 EMOM
minute 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
minute 2: 2 Wall Walks to 20’’
minute 3: 4 Shuttle Run
minute 4: 3 Hang Power Cleans
Barbell: @ 75% of 1RM Power Clean

Goal: Each movement should be completed in 40-50 seconds, leaving time to recover before the next minute begins.
Stimulus: This workout is a moderate to high-intensity aerobic piece with skill and strength components. Athletes will need to pace their row and shuttle runs while staying composed on the wall walks and power cleans.
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Maintain consistent effort across all 10 rounds, ensuring each movement is completed within the minute.
Secondary Objective: Manage heart rate and breathing to avoid burnout. Smooth transitions and efficient movement will be key to lasting the full 40 minutes.
Coaching Notes and Workout Strategy:
Calorie Row: Keep a controlled, steady effort without redlining too early.
Wall Walks: Stay composed and efficient, avoiding excessive rest between reps.
Shuttle Runs: Maintain a quick but steady pace, focusing on controlled turns.
Power Cleans: Move with intention. Singles are recommended to preserve strength and power across all rounds.
The key to success is staying composed and efficient throughout the entire 40 minutes. Athletes should focus on breathing, pacing, and movement quality to sustain output.