Thursday April 22nd

Accumulate 1:00 in a Deadhang from Pull Up Bar
2 Rounds
8 Burpees
12 Jumping Lunges
11 Shoulder Press
9 Push Presses
7 Push Jerks 5 Split Jerks

Strength/skill *from the rack
On a 15 Minute clock
1 Jerk Dip + 1 Split Jerk w/ Pause in catch position
Rest 1-2 minutes
Start light and add weight each set
*our central nervous system lift this cycle is the back squat. Our skill lift is the split jerk. thing to remember
1) Vertical dip and drive
2) Violent Extension of the hips
3) learning to press under the bar rather than pressing the bar up.

*you have options!
If your legs are done for the week choose option 2. If you dont want to be super sore either choose wod 2 or scale the weight back majorly on lunges. Put what wod you did in the notes sections if you are keeping score

Wod Option 1
Hang Power Clean 135/95lbs
Front Rack Lunge Steps 135/95lbs


Wod- Option 2
2 hang cleans 135/95
100m farmer carry 50/35
6 hang cleans
100m farmer carry
10 hang cleans
100m farmer carry
14 hang cleans
100m farmer carry
18 hang cleans
100m farmer carry

Hang Power Clean: Athletes should be able to do 15 unbroken hang cleans (when fresh) with their working weight for today’s Metcon.
Front Rack Lunges: Ideally 1 set, but not more than 2 at any point
Farmer carry- should only have to set it down once at the most
**Target Score: 6-10 minutes
Firebreather Score: sub 7 minutes rx