Sunday January 18th

Wod 1- split how you want
14 Minute Time Cap – Split how you want with your teammate

20 Bar Muscle Ups Buy In (30 pull ups intermediate, 30 ring rows novice)
25/20 Cal Echo Bike
5 Rope Climbs (8 rope pull novice)
60 Wall Balls
25/20 Cal Bike
5 Rope Climbs
60 Toes To Bar (Knee raises novice)
25/20 Cal Bike
5 Rope Climbs
60 Db Snatches
20 Bar Muscle up cash out (30 pull ups, 30 ring rows

Wod 2
14 Minutes
Bench 185/125
Cleans 185/125
*want to know the reps? show up and find out

Wod 3
Alternating rounds with your partner