Bring a friend to 1 class or all 3!!
8am Endurance Class
Running version-
2×800 With 4 minutes rest. Run these fast
4×400 with 2 minutes rest
2×800 with 4 minutes
Version 2 with a partner
10 Minutes
Row 2000m and with remaining time perform burpees. score is burpees
Rest 5 Minutes
10 minutes
Bike 100/80
with remaining time perform a AMRAP of
5 burpees
15 air squats. switch every round
At the end of 10 minutes run a mile with your partner.
9am Mobility
10am partner wod

***with a friend new to CrossFit. the friend can use dumbbells.
WOD 2-
200RX 150 Intermediate bike cals with a partner.