Saturday May 18th

Saturday Endurance at 8am CrossFit and Weightlifting at 9am
Going back a little old school
teams of 2
20 minutes of rowing- switching every 2 minutes
20 minutes of ski- switching every 2 minutes
20 minutes of running- switching every 400m

9am Weightlifting workout will be with Coach Nicole

9am CrossFit
Workout 1
10 Minute Amrap
50 single under jump rope
10 single DB weighted step ups
10 burpees

Workout 2
For time:
10 Squat Snatches, 135/95
400m Run
20 Power Cleans, 135/95
400m Run
30 Push Jerks, 135/95
400m Run
40 Front Squats, 135/95
400m Run

alt weight options 115/75 or 95/65 or whatever weight works for you for all the movements. We’ll help you pick.

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