12pm Beginner workout today!!! as well as the regular workouts.. bring a buddy in at 12.
8am Team Endurance
Wod 1- 18 Minutes
Partner 1- run 400
Partner 2- Bike for cals
Score is your cals
*Pace yourself on the bike.. 18 minutes is long time.. even if your splitting the work
Wod 2- Row for cals with a partner
16 minutes- Switch every minute
9am Mobility
10 Am Partner Chipper!!!-
have equipment ready lined up down the floor so you can move from station to station
100 Wall Balls
100 Slam balls
100 Rower Cals
100 Dumbbell snatches
100 situps
100 KB Swings
100 Bike Cals
100 Walking lunges with your slam ball