Monday June 5th

***Please write your name and score on the whiteboard*** if you don’t want to write your score at least write your name. Remind your friends in class. 55+ on the board for a majority of the week and I will head to Valor Friday for some new goodies.
Pre-order your flag shirts. The order sheet will remain out on the desk for one week only. Payments due at time of order.
This week is packed with work. You are more than welcome to do extra work and Weightlift but do it in back on the platforms or outside. Main floor is for regular classes.


Warm up- Starts at the top of the hour- stretch or work weaknesses if you are there early. If you’re there late-warm up and jump in where the rest of the class is
2 Rounds
10 Air squats with a 2 second pause at the bottom- Fix your squat now before you put a bar on your back
10 strict presses with an empty bar
10 strict pull ups or work your progression towards your pull up.

Strength- 10 after the hour
Back squats- been noticing that people are not paying attention to percentages (if you are new you or injured get a pass on this, we don’t know or shouldnt test your max if you just started or are injured)
Two warm up sets followed by

Wod- start at 10:35—
5 Rounds for time
15 wall balls
10 toes to bar
20 double unders

Extra Work- Sled March– what’s a sled march you ask? I’ll tell you. Load that sled up… 10 feet tall with weights if you have to… and push it. it should be heavy enough you can’t run with it.

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