Barbell warm up with Coach
Big Day!
Find your 1 rep max squat clean and jerk!
Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As needed
Coach Focus: It’s finally here. Crank up the tunes and give your athletes 30+ minutes to hit a new PR. Be sure to tag @trainhardercrossfit and @teammisfitgyms on insta with all heavy lifts!
Choose Your Skill Day
Pick 1 of the following skills and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.
– 5-30′ HS Walk
– :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
– 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
– 1-2 Rope Climbs
– 5-40 Double Unders
– :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)
15 Rounds
1:00 Bike for Distance Rest :30
THIS IS NOT A SPRINT PACE. Moderately quick but this IS NOT the 10 second spring wod we did and some of us lost our lunch on
Feel: Cardio Stimulus: Sustain
Coach Focus: The goal for today’s extra piece is to allow athletes the opportunity to improve their biking speed through bite-sized chunks that allow for deliberate focus. Coaches should instruct athletes that their goal is to remain consistent once they have established their pace.
Additional Notes: N/A