Warm Up:
4 Rounds:
1 Min Run(200m)-Bike-Row
7 Jumping Air Squats
5 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
5 Push-Ups
5 V-Ups
Although this doesn’t look like the worst workout in the world it is one that will sneak up on you. All out effort for 20 seconds rest for 10.
Stay on each movement for 4 minutes total, move to your next area during the minute transition. Your score is your LOWEST rep count for any given interval, so in other words, don’t slack on any intervals.
“Tabata This”
The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata Row Calorie
Rest 1 min
Tabata Air Squat
Rest 1 min
Tabata Pull-up or Ring Rows
Rest 1 min
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 min
Tabata AbMat Sit-up
Tabata score is the lowest reps performed in any of the intervals.
–Coaches Notes–
It’s only 20 seconds of work at a time! Out of the 5 working movements we have going on today this is to help work on your cycling reps. 20 second intervals is enough to understand how you can pace each one and where you should change speeds. Use the 10 seconds wisely for each set as well. Don’t just collapse to the floor, take the time to slow your breathing and maybe stretch out that specific area quickly. The intervals should be max efforts sets and once you add them all up you should be aiming for as far over 40-50 reps as you can.
**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Double Unders
5 Minute Practice. Go for max sets or work on stringing a few together.
Option 2:
Handstand Hold
Build to 3 minutes against the wall or try your freestanding holds.
Option 3:
Russian KB Swings ((Video Posted Below))
Use a HEAVY KB for these. Putting the emphasis and work on your hamstrings and low back to move the bell. Fast drive with the hips and big squeeze in your hamstrings/butt.