Warm Up:
PVC Pipe Passthroughs
(White Board)
AMRAP 7 Minutes
150m Ski
10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25lbs
5 Good For Yous (2 Lunges + 1 Air Squat)
We will go over the wall ball and the DB snatch
Fix technique now as this is a taxing wod
This is for your benefit. You’ll get a better workout finishing your workout than going too heavy and not finishing
We are capping this at 25 minutes to get to the midline work
15 WOD:
For Time w/ a 25-minute cap
10 Rounds
15 Wallballs 20/14lbs
15 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lbs
Target Score: 15-20 Minutes
Feel: Cardio/Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 15-20 Minutes, 25 Minute Cap Firebreather Score: Sub-14 Minutes
– Wallballs: Coaches should allow for 1-2 sets for the entire workout. Scale
weight, not reps unless scaling for a very new athlete
– DB Snatch: Coaches should allow for 1-2 sets for the entire workout. Scale
weight, not reps unless scaling for very new athlete
Coach Focus: Nowhere to hide here. Today is an acceptable day to scale reps for new athletes as well as weight. For everyone else, scale weight of both implements before reps, erring on the side of lighter vs. heavier today.
Neither wallballs nor DB snatches should never require more than 2 sets to complete. This will be cardio for the fittest who can go back and forth with unbroken sets, and gas for many others.
Midline work
:40 Midline Work:
EMOM 12 Min
:10 L-Sit Hold
Stack plates to take place of parallettes, with straight arms, wrist and shoulder stacked
Most difficult. Legs both straight out

One leg bent one straight

Both legs bent

Bent with one foot tapping the ground for stability

Hanging from the rig and building from that is also an option