Monday August 23rd

Warm up
2:00 banded glute activation
3 Rounds adding a little (not 45 pound plates) to the bar every time for the frontsquats
20 cossack squats
20 spiderman lunges
10 front squats

4 sets of 8 Front squats at about 70 percent
Between sets perform 5 ring dips, 5 ring negatives or hold a ring support as long as you can (max 10 seconds)

Wod 12 Minutes
6 Ring dips (muscle up people do these on the high rings for an added challenge)
30 doubles
3 med ball over the shoulder AHAP
*might have to share the 150/100 med ball. Not a crisis, just knock them out going “you go, i go” as fast as possilble you will welcome the 5 second break while the other person is going

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach

Ring Dips: 1 set to begin, then possibly 2 quick sets. May reduce reps (floor of 3 with full ROM) or scaled to jumping ring dips or bench/box dips.
Double Unders: :30 Cap on each round. Reduce reps if needed or scale to singles. May use a heavy jump rope if available for singles.
Sandbag: should not exceed :30 of work.

Most athletes will be able to get on the rings in some capacity for the skill work. Athletes who aren’t able to safely perform full ROM ring dips under fatigue (in the MetCon) should get their ring work in during the skill portion, and then scale the Ring dips in the workout to bench/box dip.