Friday September 20th

Warm Up:
12 Min EMOM
-8 Bent Over Rows
-10/7 Cal Bike
-9 Barbell Shrugs
-30 Double Unders

Back squat.
5 sets of heavy 3s
Build up to a heavy 3 then perform all 5 working sets at that number.

For time RX
Run 400 m
21 Bar Facing Burpees
Run, 400 m
15 Bar Facing Burpees
Run, 400 m
9 Bar Facing Burpees

For time: Scaled
Run 200m
12 Burpees
Run, 200m
9 Burpees
Run, 200m
6 Burpees

The video below gives some helpful hints on how to make your burpees easier and more efficient. Check it out!!