The Wod Below is for all classes except the 6pm!
We will be having a special Wod at 6 for Torrey’s Birthday. Please come out and celebrate. Wod at 6, food and drinks at 7. Happy Birthday Torrey
Warm Up-
10 Mins Double Under Practice
*if you can consistently get 60+ unbroken doubles practice triples
Power Clean 3×5 70% 3×3 75% 3×2 80%
EMOM Warm Up
1- 10 high pulls
2- 10 Pwr. Pos. Pwr Clean
3- 10 Hang Clean
4- 10 Pwr Clean
For Time
30 UB Doubles
14 Deadlifts 155/125
40 UB Double
7 Deadlifts 185/155
50 UB Doubles
5 Deadlifts 225/185
*the double under in this wod are meant to be unbroken before you move to the deadlifts. If you don’t finish the set unbroken try again. Stick with it until you go unbroken. maximum of 10 tries at each round.
Scaling for singles
75 singles unbroken
100 singles unbroken
125 singles unbroken
*scale DL weight at needed but be sure to go up in weight each round.
If you are just learning jump rope, don’t worry about going unbroken, just finish the number.