Friday July 26th

3 Minutes machine
Snatch Barbell Warm ups

Snatch Every 1:15 x 10 Sets
Sets 1-5: 2 Reps @ 70-80%
Sets 6-10: 1 Rep @ 83%+

4 Sets, For Reps
1:30 on/1:30 off
15 Overhead Squats***
-Max Toes to Bar in the Remaining Time
Load: 135/95lb, 61/43kg
We know you are here to workout. An overhead squat is a great movement to have, but it does take some work. Struggling through a movement in a workout when you are supposed to be moving quickly is not always the best choice. If you would rather front squat during the workout that is fine, but keep practicing those overhead squats.

Goal: 12-18 Reps / Set

Stimulus: Midline Conditioning / Quad Stamina

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Toes to Bar Reps

Secondary Objective: Unbroken Overhead Squats

Strategy: We are looking for loads on the barbell that should be challenging unbroken reps. The loading should be something that allows for quality form while also challenging the ability to maintain positions in order to reinforce better mechanics throughout the Overhead Squat. If we are keeping the Overhead Squats unbroken this means that reps will be done in about 2-3 seconds a rep which allows for the squats to be done in 30-45 seconds. We will be looking for a quick transition to the barbell and then a big set to start things off with for the remaining time on Toes to Bar. Once the first big set is done, chip away in the remaining time with small manageable sets. Again, you will probably only have time for the one big set and a couple small sets of Toe to Bar here.

PRVN Recovery #6
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pose
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold1:00 Childs Pose