Friday January 11th

Warm up-
Row 5 Minutes
Then get a bench set up and do
2 rounds
15 Empty bar bench
5 ring dips
10 pull ups or ring rows

Take a few minutes to find your working weight for the strength

Strength 5 rounds
Minutes 1 Max Reps Bench press (pick a weight you can do at least 10
Minutes 2 Max Reps weighted Ring Dips or bench dips (you can start and stop, keep working the whole time. Hold a wall ball or dumbbell between yoru feet
Minute 3 Max reps Pull ups, any kind, when you drop off the bar you are done. Ring rows are the sub, or if you can only do a few pull ups hang on the bar as long as you can.
Minute 4 rest

4 Minutes Max effort Amrap
10 Cals on bike or rower
10 burpees

2 minute rest

4 Minutes max effort amrap
8 cals
8 burpees

2 Minutes rest
6 cals
6 Burpees

Beginner athletes will need to modify the dips. Most athletes should be able to do the bench press and Turkish get-up as prescribed, though at lighter loads.