Friday February 26th

Warm up
20 Plank Transitions see video at bottom of page
100m run
16 DB Clean and Jerks (1 DB all the way to the ground each rep)
100 m run
16 Push Ups
100m run
6 Wall Climbs

If you are not going upside down there is an option for that.
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes
1 Smooth Set of Deficit Kipping HSPU
or 4 Handstand Push Up Negatives

Every 2 Minutes for 2 minutes
4 reps of tempo strict press (1 second up, 1 second pause, 3 seconds down)
This is going to be be tough

AMRAP 16 Minutes
24 Double Unders
8 Double DB Power Cleans 50/35s
24 Double Unders

Target score 8 rounds plus
Double Unders: Should not exceed :30 at any point or the amount per set should be reduced or modified to singles.

DB Power Cleans: Unbroken sets are the goal, scale the weight before the reps. Barbell: 105/70lbs.

HSPU: 2 sets or less the entire workout, or modify to DB push press or push ups.