Friday December 31st

Happy New Years Eve
4 Classes today
5am 6am 9am and 10am.
Closing at 11am
11am to about 3 or 4 pm there is a weightlifting meet happening. You are welcome to participate, but it is a structured meet which means it would take more than an hour to get through it. There will not be any room inside for open gym.

Get in here and get your sweat on before the festivities tonight

Fun little partner wod today.

Warm up will be to get your spots ready and to build to your clean weight for the workout

AMRAP 30 Minutes
Partner 1 performs 2 rounds of:
6 Deficit HSPU 4/2″
1 Rope Climb
8/6 Calorie Machine
Partner 2 peforms 2 rounds of:
6 Deficit HSPU 4/2″
1 Rope Climb
8/6 Calorie Machine
Partner 1 performs:
1 Power Clean, AHAP
Partner 2 performs:
1 Power Clean, AHAP

Feel: Cardio/Gas

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: each 2-round portion takes 2-2.5 minutes or less per athlete

Firebreather Score: each 2-round portion takes 2 minutes or less per athlete


  • HSPU: should always be 1 set. Reduce/remove deficit before scaling reps. If HSPU aren’t feasible yet, scale to a moderately heavy DB Push Press.
  • Rope Climb: Climb from lying supine, climb as high as possible, or scale to strict pull ups (4 reps per rope climb) or ring rows.
  • Machine: Any Machine works, if machines aren’t available, run 100m.

Coach Focus: When executed correctly, the working partner should be working at a quick pace, without a large drop in cadence throughout the 30 minute workout. The power clean stimulus is meant to be very heavy, starting around 80% and increasing from round to round if things are going well. The adrenaline created by lifting in a MetCon can often lead to a new PR. If your athletes are moving well and feeling good, allow them to PR mid-MetCon.