200m Run
9 DB Deadlifts
7 DB Front Squats
5 DB Push Presses
Then 1:00 Squat Hold
1 set Every 2 Minutes:
Split Jerk
4 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
2 @ 70%
4 @ 55%
3 @ 65%
2 @ 75%
Wod- (short wod, 7 to 13 minutes)
For Time
20 Strict HSPU
300m Run
60 Wallballs 20/14lbs
300m Run
20 Strict HSPU
- SHSPU: 5 Sets or 2:00 cap on both ends of the workout. Kipping HSPU or DB Strict Press are excellent modifications, or an athlete can perform the first set strict and second set kipping if their strict capacity is limited.
- Machine mod (if injured): 300m Row, 600m C2 Bike or .7/.6K AAB
Wallballs: 4 Sets or less, scale weight before reps
Extra: 3 Rounds
Row 2:00
Rest 2
Row 1:30
rest 1:30
Row 1:00
Rest 1