Warm up
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes
8 Burpees
6 Push Ups w/ a twist
4 Strict Pull Ups
In remaining time PVC Pass Throughs
Strength Bench Press
6 sets of 4 all at a moderately heavy weight.. 80 percent plus
AMRAP 8 Minutes
12 Single DB Jerks 70/50lbs (6 each arm)
3 Burpee Muscle Up (rings) (Sub burpee bar muscle ups or 5 burpee pull ups)
**During the DB Jerk, athletes should try to keep one head of the DB on top of the working shoulder to maximize energy transfer from the hips to the arms.
Extra- Rope climb practice and teaching session. If you already have rope climbs you are going to do 12 rope climbs for time. Pair up with someone, you go, i go.
If you don’t have rope climbs we will take your through the steps of learning them.