Lets work on… work capacity!
Warm up
2 rounds
200 M run
20 Double unders or attempts
20 singles
20 one foot jump rope. left foot
20 one foot jump rope right foot
20 Minutes of row or bike for cals
Every 2 minutes, including at 3..2…1 go perform 25 double unders or 50 singles AND 4 devil press
*we can adjust reps if you arent getting enough time on the rower. looking for at least a minute per round on the rower
*transitions need to be fast, every calorie counts
Accessory work, don’t skip it. 3 sled pushes for 100m, this needs to be heavy. if you can run with it, it’s too heavy. not for time, for work completed. stack those plates and see what you can do.