Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5 Inchworms
10 Leg Swings
100m Run-Row
6 Push Ups
4 Light Weight Front Squats
Strict Press
3×5 65%
3×3 70%
3×2 75%
9 Min Cap
50 Power Cleans RX-155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-115/75
*Every Minute RX-2 Bar Muscle Ups INT-3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups BEG-4 Any other progression reps. With this being a 9 Minute workout WITH the EMOM element, that barbell should be at a weight you can cycle through multiple reps at a time.
8 minute emom
Load 50 percent of what you think your 1 rep max strict press is. Don’t overthink this just get some light weight on the bar
Do 8 strict presses every minute on the minute WITH A 3 SECOND NEGATIVE.
This means press up explosively and take 3 seconds to lower the bar back to your shoulders. 8 reps will take 30 or 40 seconds, and you have the rest of the minute to rest.