Wednesday January 1st, 2025!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We will open for the 9am class today! No 5am or 6am class. evening classes at 4,5,6pm. Start the year right!

2-3 Sets, For Quality
1:00 Cardio Choice
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps (Heels on Wall)
5 Hollow to Arch Rolls
10 Walking Lunges
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
:10/:10 second Single Arm Dead-Hang or :20 second Dead-Hang

For Time
4 Rounds
20 Toes to Bar
14 Handstand Push-Ups
25/25 ft (7.5/7.5m) Single-Arm KB Overhead Walking Lunge
Kettlebell Load: (53/35lb, 24/16 kg)

Level 2:
For Time
4 Rounds
15 Toes to Bar
10 Box Pike Strict Handstand Push-Ups
25/25 ft (7.5/7.5m) Single-Arm KB Overhead Walking Lunge
Kettlebell Load: (35/18lb, 16/8kg)

Level 1:
For Time
4 Rounds
15 Kipping Knees to Chest
10 Kneeling Box Pike Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50ft (15m) Walking Lunges

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal Time Domain: 13:00–17:00
Time Cap: 20:00
Stimulus: Gymnastics Density and Interference
RPE: ~8/10 – High effort, approaching muscular fatigue but still maintaining form and consistency.
Primary Objective: Muscle Fatigue Management
Break Toes-to-Bar and Handstand Push-Ups before reaching full failure. Better to take short, planned breaks than struggle with singles at the end
Secondary Objective: Minimize Transition Time
Set equipment up efficiently to reduce downtime between stations. Move quickly but deliberately between movements.
Movement & Strategy Notes:
Toes-to-Bar: Consider starting in 2-3 sets right from the first round if unbroken sets of 20 are questionable.
Handstand Push-Ups: Aim for small, consistent sets. Maintain a tight midline and focus on a solid lockout.
KB Overhead Walking Lunge: Stabilize the kettlebell overhead by pressing up hard and keeping the rib cage down. Switch arms halfway (25 ft each side).
We are looking for consistency across all rounds with the focus on maintaining 4:00 minutes or under per round.