:45/:45 Scorpion Stretch
15/15 bird dog
For Quality:
3 Rounds
200m Run
50/50ft (15/15m) Bottoms Up Kettlebell Waiters Walk
5 Wall Slides
5 Burpee Shuttle Runs, 25ft (7.5m) Down & Back = 1
*Instead of a 3 point touch, perform a burpee behind the line each time.
Gymnastics Skill
5:00 AMRAP
Freestanding Handstand Hold
Score = Time
Score = Reps (1sec = 1 Rep)
Scale: Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Today, we are looking to start off our Handstand Walking journey with some focused work on the Freestanding Handstand Hold. The goal here will be to work into a progression of the Freestanding Handstand Hold or just accumulate time here on our hands. For many of us, just practicing the kick up will be the biggest piece of the puzzle to finding our balance. Those that have not progressed in a strong overhead position should move to Wall Facing Handstand Hold and work into developing a better position by holding for 10-30 seconds, then coming off and resting for 10-30 seconds and doing so for the 5 minutes today.
Before the wod go over some handstand walk progressions
“Midline Run”
Every 3:00 x 5 Sets
15 GHD Sit-Ups *careful, we will go over options for this 10 Ghds is an option
200m Run
25ft (7.5m) Handstand Walk*
*Increase Handstand Walk by 5ft (1.5m) Each Set
L2: Sub 2-3-4-5- Max Wall Walks
L1: 15 Abmat Sit-Ups for GHD Sit-Ups, 2 Wall Walks to 20” off the Wall
Masters 50+ choose L1 or L2
Goal: Complete each set @ 2:00-2:30/set
Stimulus: Midline Endurance and Stability
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Complete each set within the 3:00 time frame
Secondary Objective: Increase pace across all sets
Strategy: The workout will start on the GHD with the goal of completing these reps in under 30 seconds. Shorten the range of motion, reduce the reps, or move to V-Ups if completing in under 30 seconds is unsustainable. We will then move into a quick run with the goal of completing each run in 1:00 or less. We will then move into the Handstand Walk with a segment of 25ft (7.5m) on round 1 and then increasing the distance each subsequent round.
PRVN Recovery #2
1:00 Child’s Pose
1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Thread the Needle Stretch
5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations