Wednesday September 7th

Wednesday 9/7

Warm Up

15 Cal Ski

10 mountain climbers

15 Cal Ski

10 Mountain Climbers

Coach Lead Barbell Warm Up

7 Strict Press (Squeeze guts and Dip butts, straight bar path)

6 Push Press (Dip with vertical torso, Drive extending HIPS before ARMS press)

5 Push Jerks (Dip w/ vertical torso, Drive w/ bar moving over mid foot, press under)

4 Split Jerks (Dip w/ vertical torso, Drive w/ bar moving over mid foot, landing in lunge, recover with front foot first then back foot)

:15 Strength

Push Press

7×2 @ 65% of 1RM

:35 WOD

Shuttle to Overhead

Jerks from rig

 From 0:00-2:00 (2 minutes)

Run 400 m

Max jerks 225/155lbs

Rest 1 minute

 From 3:00-6:00 (3 minutes)

Run 600 m

Max jerks 225/155lbs

Rest 2 minutes

From 8:00-12:00 (4 minutes)

 Run 800 m

Max jerks 225/155lbs

Target Score: 3-6 per round, all athletes complete the shuttle portion with at least :15 to perform jerks.

Jerks are meant to be HEAVY.

:55 Cool Down

Double Flat Needle
