Tuesday June 22nd

Team workout today. If you really don’t like team wods you can go solo
With 6 ropes we will be starting some teams on ropes and some teams on front squats it make absolutely no difference where you start. Don’t stress

AMRAP 7 Minutes
40 Single Unders
5 Ring Rows
30 Single Unders
10 Kettlebell Taters
20 Single Unders
:15 Squat Hold

Rope Climb Skill
1×3 Seated Foot Locks
1×3 Seated Foot Lock + Stand
1 As Many Pulls As Possible + Descent
1 As Few Pulls as Possible + Descent

Wod every 7 minutes for 21 minutes (3 rounds)

In teams of 2 for total reps:
Every 7 Minutes for 21 Minutes
2 Minutes, Max Synchro Front Squats*
:30 Rest/transition
2 Minutes, Max Rep Rope Climbs
Rest 2:30 and transition and change your weights if you need to
*R1: 95/65lbs
R2: 135/95lbs
R3: 185/125lbs

Score is total reps added together. Bar is taken off the floor.

Feel: Conditioning
Pacing: Reach
Target Score:
R1: 25+ Front Squats/ 6+ Rope Climbs
R2: 20+ Front Squats / 6+ Rope Climbs
R3: 12+ Front Squats / 6+ Rope Climbs
Firebreather Score:
R1: 40+ Front Squats/ 10+ Rope Climbs
R2: 25+ Front Squats / 10+ Rope Climbs
R3: 15+ Front Squats / 10+ Rope Climbs


  • Front Squats: Reduce Loading to roughly 30, 50 and 70% of the athlete’s 1RM
  • Rope Climb: Climb from Supine or perform banded strict pull ups (5 banded pull ups = 1 rope climb)