Friday October 2nd

Warm up
3 Rounds
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats
THEN grab a bar and start warming up to that back squat weight

5 sets of 5 back squats at 90 percent of your 5 REP MAX from earlier in the week

Remember its 90 percent of your 5 rep max, not your 1 rep max.

15 Minute EMOM
Minute 1- max intervals of 50 meter shuttle run
Minute 2- 9 thrusters 95/65
Minute 3 3/2 ring muscle ups or 5 pull ups/5 dips
**Score is 1 point for every shuttle run, shuttle run is the only score that counts.
I’ll explain this one a little bit. You need to push yourself on the shuttle run because it’s the only score that counts. The second movement (thrusters) will take 30-40 seconds tops, allowing for a little rest.
The last movement will take 20 seconds tops which will allow for 40 seconds rest, not enough to recover, but enough to catch your breath.

*scaling, scale by weight so you can finish 10 thrusters in about 30 seconds.
Scale to bar muscle ups if you don’t have ring muscle ups, then the pull up/dip combo OR for today…
you can replace the muscle ups with 5 handstand push ups. Yes two different things but you are replacing a higher skill movement with a another high skill movement.

Extra work-
Every 2 Minutes for 10 minutes (5 rounds)
5-10 burpees (start with 10 and scale following rounds to allow yourself some rest
200m run
Full send.. there wont much time to rest. try to use the real 200 mark. Looking for about 30 to seconds rest per round.