Saturday May 11

8am Endurance.
Those sandbags sure are dusty. Time to get them out again
Teams of 4- 35 minute amrap
Burpees and sandbag over box
Run 400

Switch spots when your teammate is back from the 400

9am CrossFit AND 9am Adult Weightlifting in the weightlifting area
CrossFit Workout
Warm up-Coaches choice
Wod 1-
10 minutes
Row 25/20
150 Meter farmer carry (to the end of the turf out front and back)

Wod 20
14 Minute Amrap
Ski 250
Run 200
3 Shoulder to overhead
5 hang Cleans
7 Deadlifts
*pick a weight where you can finish the shoulder to overhead and hang cleans without dropping the bar. then quickly knock out your deadlifts unbroken.

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